Learn How To Transform Your Concussion Fog Into a Smooth Career Comeback!
Learn how to manage concussion symptoms, conquer brain fog & get back to work!
Embark on a Journey of Concussion Recovery and Career Revival in This One-of-a-Kind Program!

Do These Thoughts Sound Familiar To You?
Do These Thoughts Sound
Familiar To You?
“I don’t feel like myself anymore. I was confident, capable, and independent. Now, it feels like there’s a stranger hijacking my brain. This isn’t me—I feel so lost and confused!”
“I used to be sharp and quick-thinking. Now my brain feels like a static foggy mess and the pressure in my head is relentless. I’m forgetting names, dates, and even where I put my keys. Who am I if I can’t even think straight?”
“The emotional swings are the worst. One minute I’m angry over something small, and the next, I’m in tears. I used to be calm and collected, but now I’m like a ticking time bomb. I’m constantly fluctuating between anger, depression, and sadness, and it’s so damn exhausting.”
“Going back to work was supposed to be progress, but it feels like I’ve taken a step back! The bright lights, flashing computer screens, constant noise, and endless movement at work make my head spin. I feel nauseous, my head pounds and I just can’t focus. I’m making mistakes and missing deadlines. I’m terrified of losing my job and the credibility that I worked so hard for.”
“People don’t get it. They see me and think I’m OK from the outside. But inside, I’m crying for help. My colleagues and even some of my close friends see me as a slacker like I’m faking it or being dramatic. They don’t see the daily struggles, the headaches, the dizziness, the constant fight to stay balanced.”
“Despite bringing my doctor’s note to work my manager questions my symptoms because I look ‘normal’ on the outside. Every day feels like a trial, where I’m proving my struggles are real. “Just push through.” “Everyone has bad days” I hear these phrases over and over and I’m exhausted from constantly advocating for myself.
“I thought the doctors would have answers. Instead, I’m met with shrugs, prescriptions for pills, and “rest and recoup” strategies that only seem to make things worse. The waiting, the uncertainty, it’s all so maddening. I just want someone to tell me it’s going to be okay, that there’s a light at the end of this dark tunnel. But it feels like I’m just spinning my wheels, stuck in this endless loop of disappointment.”
As a fellow brain injury survivor this was exactly my mind’s voice too…
And I’m so glad I can bring you some respite and good news after everything you’ve had to go through so far.
“I don’t feel like myself anymore. I was confident, capable, and independent. Now, it feels like there’s a stranger hijacking my brain. This isn’t me—I feel so lost and confused!”
“I used to be sharp and quick-thinking. Now my brain feels like a static foggy mess and the pressure in my head is relentless. I’m forgetting names, dates, and even where I put my keys. Who am I if I can’t even think straight?”
“The emotional swings are the worst. One minute I’m angry over something small, and the next, I’m in tears. I used to be calm and collected, but now I’m like a ticking time bomb. I’m constantly fluctuating between anger, depression, and sadness, and it’s so damn exhausting.”
“Going back to work was supposed to be progress, but it feels like I’ve taken a step back! The bright lights, flashing computer screens, constant noise, and endless movement at work make my head spin. I feel nauseous, my head pounds and I just can’t focus. I’m making mistakes and missing deadlines. I’m terrified of losing my job and the credibility that I worked so hard for.”
“People don’t get it. They see me and think I’m OK from the outside. But inside, I’m crying for help. My colleagues and even some of my close friends see me as a slacker like I’m faking it or being dramatic. They don’t see the daily struggles, the headaches, the dizziness, the constant fight to stay balanced.”

“Despite bringing my doctor’s note to work my manager questions my symptoms because I look ‘normal’ on the outside. Every day feels like a trial, where I’m proving my struggles are real. “Just push through.” “Everyone has bad days” I hear these phrases over and over and I’m exhausted from constantly advocating for myself.
“I thought the doctors would have answers. Instead, I’m met with shrugs, prescriptions for pills, and “rest and recoup” strategies that only seem to make things worse. The waiting, the uncertainty, it’s all so maddening. I just want someone to tell me it’s going to be okay, that there’s a light at the end of this dark tunnel. But it feels like I’m just spinning my wheels, stuck in this endless loop of disappointment.”
As a fellow brain injury survivor this was exactly my mind’s voice too…
And I’m so glad I can bring you some respite and good news after everything you’ve had to go through so far.
I did get better and now you can too…

Do These Thoughts Sound
Familiar To You?
“I don’t feel like myself anymore. I was confident, capable, and independent. Now, it feels like there’s a stranger hijacking my brain. This isn’t me—I feel so lost and confused!”
“I used to be sharp and quick-thinking. Now my brain feels like a static foggy mess and the pressure in my head is relentless. I’m forgetting names, dates, and even where I put my keys. Who am I if I can’t even think straight?”
“The emotional swings are the worst. One minute I’m angry over something small, and the next, I’m in tears. I used to be calm and collected, but now I’m like a ticking time bomb. I’m constantly fluctuating between anger, depression, and sadness, and it’s so damn exhausting.”
“Going back to work was supposed to be progress, but it feels like I’ve taken a step back! The bright lights, flashing computer screens, constant noise, and endless movement at work make my head spin. I feel nauseous, my head pounds and I just can’t focus. I’m making mistakes and missing deadlines. I’m terrified of losing my job and the credibility that I worked so hard for.”
“People don’t get it. They see me and think I’m OK from the outside. But inside, I’m crying for help. My colleagues and even some of my close friends see me as a slacker like I’m faking it or being dramatic. They don’t see the daily struggles, the headaches, the dizziness, the constant fight to stay balanced.”
“Despite bringing my doctor’s note to work my manager questions my symptoms because I look ‘normal’ on the outside. Every day feels like a trial, where I’m proving my struggles are real. “Just push through.” “Everyone has bad days” I hear these phrases over and over and I’m exhausted from constantly advocating for myself.
“I thought the doctors would have answers. Instead, I’m met with shrugs, prescriptions for pills, and “rest and recoup” strategies that only seem to make things worse. The waiting, the uncertainty, it’s all so maddening. I just want someone to tell me it’s going to be okay, that there’s a light at the end of this dark tunnel. But it feels like I’m just spinning my wheels, stuck in this endless loop of disappointment.”
As a fellow brain injury survivor this was exactly my mind’s voice too…
And I’m so glad I can bring you some respite and good news after everything you’ve had to go through so far.
I did get better and now you can too…

You and Your Brain Are Still Brilliant.
It Just Functions In A NEW Way Now!
When I hit rock bottom post-concussion, I spent years desperately trying to return to my former self and my old life…
It took a lot of frantic research, disappointment, and tears to finally realize that…
My brain and I were still smart. It just functions differently now!
Instead of desperately longing for the OLD ME, I had to let go and learn to embrace the NEW ME.
And to do that… I had to understand and uncover my brain’s new way of working.
The more I learned about how my new brain works, the better I became at managing my symptoms and supporting my recovery.
It opened my eyes and showed me that my brain injury was actually the start of a new life.
And the same holds true for you.
This isn’t the end. It’s your new beginning.
Hi, I’m Kelly And
I’ve Been Where You Are…
It was the evening of June 23, 2015. I was driving to a karate class after work when a teenage driver pulled in front of me.
I ended up t-boning them but fortunately the both of us survived. Thinking I would be able to shake off the crash in a few days, I declined to be taken to the ER by ambulance and I even went back to work the next day (which I now realize was such a silly thing to do).
It wasn’t until three months later that I realized something was seriously wrong with me.
A friend of mine encouraged me to return to my third-degree black belt training. But while I was there, I struggled. Moves that once came naturally were now a challenge. I was surprised to find myself standing like a deer in the headlights, trying to remember the movements.
And when I did remember, my brain and body were out of sync. I’d try to step forward, but my foot would move back. The harder I concentrated, the worse it got. My memory would freeze up and I would get more frustrated.
Halfway through the class, I would experience shortness of breath. I was used to working out for hours, and now I found myself with a pounding headache, neck pain, and exhaustion after only two minutes of training.
On top of that, I was also dealing with horrible whiplash, mood swings, and forgetfulness. I could barely even listen to music in my car without feeling sleepy.
Despite these symptoms, I continued to push myself….because that’s just who I was.
And then it all culminated in a terrifying moment where I fell asleep at the wheel, drove off the road, and almost hit a tree.
That was my wake-up call.

It was the evening of June 23, 2015. I was driving to a karate class after work when a teenage driver pulled in front of me.
I ended up t-boning them but fortunately the both of us survived. Thinking I would be able to shake off the crash in a few days, I declined to be taken to the ER by ambulance and I even went back to work the next day (which I now realize was such a silly thing to do).
It wasn’t until three months later that I realized something was seriously wrong with me.
A friend of mine encouraged me to return to my third-degree black belt training. But while I was there, I struggled. Moves that once came naturally were now a challenge. I was surprised to find myself standing like a deer in the headlights, trying to remember the movements.
And when I did remember, my brain and body were out of sync. I’d try to step forward, but my foot would move back. The harder I concentrated, the worse it got. My memory would freeze up and I would get more frustrated.
Halfway through the class, I would experience shortness of breath. I was used to working out for hours, and now I found myself with a pounding headache, neck pain, and exhaustion after only two minutes of training.
On top of that, I was also dealing with horrible whiplash, mood swings, and forgetfulness. I could barely even listen to music in my car without feeling sleepy.
Despite these symptoms, I continued to push myself….because that’s just who I was.
And then it all culminated in a terrifying moment where I fell asleep at the wheel, drove off the road, and almost hit a tree.
That was my wake-up call.
Bridging The Gap...
As the sole breadwinner of my family back then, one of the first things I wanted to do after the concussion was get back to work.
I started by devouring countless books on recovery, seeking answers and guidance.
While they were helpful, I found that most of them offered only generic advice and lacked the specifics I needed to return to my job.
Perhaps you too may have found information tailored to military personnel, athletes, kids, and teenagers.
But where was the guidance for regular people like me — people who are desperate to get back to work to put food on the table, pay the bills, and take care of the people relying on them?
Nevertheless, I Was Determined To Figure A Way Out!
You see… with a background as a neurology nurse practitioner, I had a unique vantage point.
I had a front-row seat to observe patients struggling with many of the same symptoms I experienced in my recovery. This unique perspective combined with my personal journey gave me valuable insights into the inner workings of the concussed brain.
But let me be candid – my recovery journey was far from smooth!
It took a lot of tumbles, tears, disappointment, and years of trial and error to finally develop a toolkit that I even still use today to help me be an efficient employee and maintain my focus and attention.
My mission is to help you avoid the mistakes I made so that you can continue to work, live, and laugh while you heal.
Because lemme tell you… a lot of those mistakes were in fact preventable.
That’s why I set out to create a program combining my personal experience and professional expertise to make your recovery and transition to work smoother than mine.
Road To Recovery
Return to Work and Life After a Brain Injury
A holistic, neuroscience-based approach that helps you navigate and overcome the unique challenges, unanswered questions, fears, and doubts that come with returning to work after a concussion.
You’ll find everything you need in this program—from brain recovery information and workplace advocacy strategies to practical coping tools and handy resources.
I’ve combined my professional expertise to shed light on the often dark and misunderstood aspects of brain injury recovery with my personal insights into real-life challenges and obstacles.
This way, you get guidance that’s both deeply empathetic and scientifically sound!
My goal is to help you regain the confidence and clarity you need to get back to work and truly thrive in your career and life, as you heal.
Here’s What You’ll Receive
When You Join Today
In this self-paced course, I’ll guide you through 7 transformative modules to help you identify your brain triggers, navigate your environment, preserve your energy levels, and maintain focus at work —- all while you learn to embrace the new you, advocate for your success and reclaim your career.
Through short informative videos, downloadable recap lists, practical tools, and strategies this course will arm you with a comprehensive game plan for recovery in an organized, easy-to-consume, and implement way.
It’s your roadmap to your NEW future, simplified and ready for action!
Here’s what you’ll learn in this course…

You & What You Can ‘Influence/Control’
The most crucial step in your recovery is to first understand what you’re dealing with!
In this module, you’ll gain insights into common brain injury symptoms, how they can change over time, and which specialists can help you along the way. By truly getting to know your symptoms, you’ll be empowered to take control of your healing process.
Identifying Your Triggers
In this module, you’ll learn to identify your environmental triggers and understand how they impact you. You’ll discover strategies to plan your day around your energy levels, so you can stay ahead of your symptoms and maintain control through the day.

Journalling – A Guide to Recovery
In Module 3, you’ll dive into the mindful practice of journaling to intimately connect with yourself and your evolving brain. You’ll learn WHAT to journal and HOW to establish a journaling routine that empowers and guides you through your healing process.
The 5 Pillars of Recovery

Who Am I Now / You Are Not Stupid
Feeling lost and confused after a traumatic brain injury is completely natural. But it doesn’t have to define you.
In this module you’ll learn how to identify changes in your current personality, what you’re core values are, and how to align them with your life and career aspirations.
When & How to Return to Work

Retraining Your Workplace & Advocating for Yourself
In the final module, we’ll cover workplace advocacy strategies and rights.
From understanding your rights under ADA and FMLA to navigating the process of requesting accommodations, you’ll learn how to advocate for your needs, negotiate with confidence and clarity so you can secure the support you deserve.
You & What You Can ‘Influence/Control’
The most crucial step in your recovery is to first understand what you’re dealing with!
In this module, you’ll gain insights into common brain injury symptoms, how they can change over time, and which specialists can help you along the way. By truly getting to know your symptoms, you’ll be empowered to take control of your healing process.
Identifying Your Triggers
In this module, you’ll learn to identify your environmental triggers and understand how they impact you. You’ll discover strategies to plan your day around your energy levels, so you can stay ahead of your symptoms and maintain control through the day.
Journalling – A Guide to Recovery
In Module 3, you’ll dive into the mindful practice of journaling to intimately connect with yourself and your evolving brain. You’ll learn WHAT to journal and HOW to establish a journaling routine that empowers and guides you through your healing process.
The 5 Pillars of Recovery
Who Am I Now / You Are Not Stupid
Feeling lost and confused after a traumatic brain injury is completely natural. But it doesn’t have to define you.
In this module you’ll learn how to identify changes in your current personality, what you’re core values are, and how to align them with your life and career aspirations.
When & How to Return to Work
Retraining Your Workplace & Advocating for Yourself
In the final module, we’ll cover workplace advocacy strategies and rights.
From understanding your rights under ADA and FMLA to navigating the process of requesting accommodations, you’ll learn how to advocate for your needs, negotiate with confidence and clarity so you can secure the support you deserve.
The Mindful Return
Substack Newsletter
In this weekly newsletter, you’ll discover…
- Tips and techniques to enhance cognitive function and manage symptoms effectively.
- Inspiring stories from fellow survivors who’ve bounced back and reclaimed their professional lives.
- Deeper insights into How To get back to work content, invaluable recovery, and coping tips.
- Opportunities to share your questions and get them answered.
Your Concussion Recovery Journal

After a brain injury, expressing yourself can be tough. But with Your Concussion Recovery Journal, you’ll discover a therapeutic outlet that empowers you and helps you express yourself creatively.
You’ll get a downloadable and printable journal complete with guided prompts and recommendations to help you unload your worries onto paper for a clearer perspective.

Healing More Than Just The Brain…
- Regain a sense of self and break free from the grasp of confusion as you learn to embrace and connect with the new you.
- Unlock new ways of learning that align with how your brain prefers to learn, rediscover your thinking and problem-solving abilities, and begin to see yourself as an intelligent and capable person once more.
- Learn proven strategies and templates to promote your brain's performance, preserve energy levels, organize and prioritize to-do lists so you can maintain your focus, keep up with deadlines, and excel as the efficient employee that you were.
- Gain the skills and strategies to confidently negotiate and secure the necessary accommodations at work without compromising your health or feeling the constant need to explain and justify your condition.
- Reignite your zest for life by reconnecting with your favorite activities and exploring new ones that bring you joy and purpose.
- Navigate the maze of healthcare providers and contradicting information with confidence, knowing exactly who to turn to so you can receive the best care possible.
- Craft an intentional and realistic recovery plan that aligns with your needs, goals, and values so you can heal with hope and take back control over your future.

A Path To Recovery That Won’t Break The Bank…Or Your Spirit
I know firsthand how frustrating it can be to pin all your hopes on doctors and treatments spending thousands of dollars only to find yourself still searching for answers.
Yet at the same time, I also know what it feels like to rediscover my spark, find fulfillment, and trust myself again!
And I want you to experience that same transformation too!
That’s why I’ve intentionally priced this course much lower than what you would typically pay in terms of money, time, and energy navigating recovery on your own.
I’ve poured in years of my professional knowledge and paid a steep price in trial and error to gather the knowledge and experience shared in this course.
But you don’t have to go through all that.
You can get started today at just $97 (regular price).
And that’s not all…
Aside from the core modules and resources, I’m also going to throw in this amazing bonus.
Introducing the
When & How To Return To Driving
VALUE: $29
In this bonus, you’ll get all the need-to-knows to get back behind the wheel safely.
Learn when is the right time to get back on the road, how to transition into driving again, how to conserve your brain energy for driving, trial commutes and so much more.
Act Now & Get The Founding Member Price
Right now, you can grab the program for the introductory price of just $97. This special founding member rate is my way of celebrating those who are ready to take that first step.
But this offer won’t stick around forever.
This introductory price is a limited-time offer that will soon increase as I continue to expand and enhance the program.
By acting now, you lock in the lowest price and gain access to all future updates and improvements at no additional cost.
Get Started On Your Road To Recovery Today!
Once you click on the “Enroll Now” button, you’ll be taken to a safe and secure check-out page where you can complete your purchase.
We accept all types of credit cards, debit cards, and PayPal as well.
Once your order is processed, you’ll receive a link via email to create your account and login details. You’ll get immediate access to the self-study course, journal, and resources in your portal.
To access your newsletter you’ll be guided to the Substack page on the next screen after your order is successfully processed.
Recap Of What You’ll Get With Your Investment of $97

7 Part Program
The Mindful Return Substack Newsletter
Your Concussion Recovery Journal
Lifetime Access To All Training Videos, Recordings, And Materials

7 Part Program

The Mindful Return Substack Newsletter

Your Concussion Recovery Journal

Lifetime Access To All Training Videos, Recordings, And Materials
BONUS #1 When & How To Return To Driving
($29 Value)
Frequently Asked Questions
This program is specifically designed to address the unique challenges and struggles of concussion and brain injury survivors who are looking to return to work. From cognitive brain recovery exercises to workplace advocacy, this science-based practical course provides you with all the tools and strategies to help you seamlessly and confidently ease into your work routine.
This program is unique because it fills a crucial gap by offering guidance specifically focused on the challenges of returning to work after a brain injury.
And what makes it stand out is that it’s created by someone who understands your journey firsthand. As a neurology nurse practitioner, I’ve walked in your shoes, grappling with the same obstacles and uncertainties. So this isn’t going to be just a cookie-cutter course—it’s a blend of personal experience and professional expertise thoughtfully combined to give you a roadmap that’s been tried and proven effective.
I understand that healing from a concussion is an overwhelming journey and the last thing you need is more confusion.
That’s why the How To Get Back To Work After A Brain Injury program is designed to be clear, straightforward, and easy to follow. Each module is just 10 minutes long and the content is broken down into simple steps. Plus you also get recap lists for all the modules and prompts in your workbooks to make it easier to stay on track.
Reach Out
Please fill out the contact form below with any inquiries.

The Stress-Less Medical Worksheet

It’s normal to feel a little nervous or worried about an with your health provider. This Stress-Less Medical Worksheet is designed to help you with your next clinic appointment.